The Fox's Den will be an online store where products and other projects can be viewed at your leisure.
Willa's totem animal is the red fox. Soon, you will be able to purchase a beautiful inlaid enamel Fox Pin to become a member of Willa's Fan Club.
One of the "spin-off" books will be The Book of Paradox by Sassafras the Sage, a mysterious character mentioned in many of the chapter headings in the "Shards" books.
Willa lives in Ireland 700 years in Earth's future, when sea levels have risen and aliens and elementals live among humans. What does her world look like? The first map will provide a detailed layout of Future Ireland, with other maps to come.
The "Shards" books are populated by all manner of human, hybrid, alien & elemental characters, many of which will be represented with artwork especially created for this site!
My blog, on the next page, is where you can follow my process in creating the "Shards" books, Peculiar Pearl's adventures and other projects, or just my thoughts
about writing.